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Neptune in 11th House

Approximately 12% of the population have Neptune in their 11th house, a placement that speaks to their artistic and intuitive qualities. People with this placement are often dreamers, creative, visionary, and idealistic—they are drawn to …

Approximately 12% of the population have Neptune in their 11th house, a placement that speaks to their artistic and intuitive qualities. People with this placement are often dreamers, creative, visionary, and idealistic—they are drawn to spiritual and intellectual matters and have an innate desire for societal improvement.

This article will explore the outcomes, synastry, and composite effects of Neptune in11th house for those looking to understand better what it means to have this influence in one’s astrological chart.

Quick Summary

  • Neptune in 11th house represents artistic and intuitive qualities but can also lead to a loss of touch with reality and addiction.
  • People with Neptune in 11th house are visionary, idealistic, and dreamers associated with poetry, mystic spirituality, and empathy.
  • Women with Neptune in 11th house are imaginative, artistic, and spiritually inclined, while men are sensitive, imaginative, and visionary.
  • Individuals with Neptune in 11th house are primarily interested in spiritual and intellectual matters, have a special talent for art and music, and are sensual and imaginative.

Outcomes Of Neptune in 11th House

The placement of Neptune in 11th house can bring both positive and negative outcomes.

For relationships and marriages, a person with this placement may be more idealistic, creative, and spiritual. However, they can also struggle to set boundaries or care for themselves.

Regarding business and career, Neptune in 11th house can lead to increased intuition and creativity as well as an ability to think outside the box. However, it can also lead to unrealistic expectations.

Positive Outcomes

People with Neptune in 11th house often find themselves surrounded by a supportive and caring circle, leading to positive outcomes. These relationships bring creative collaborations, spiritual growth, and artistic inspiration to their lives.

Positive friendships open up opportunities for social activism and collective action. They are able to use their intuitive powers to gain insight into others’ feelings and emotions, allowing them to build strong connections with those around them.

This connection helps create meaningful relationships that can enable them to grow as individuals and work towards achieving their goals.

Negative Outcomes

Negative aspects of Neptune in 11th house are that it can lead to illusions, confusion, and being taken advantage of. It may bring some undesirable challenges, such as being too trusting and easily deceived, having difficulty setting boundaries, being pulled away from reality into a world of dreams, and becoming entangled in unhealthy relationships.

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There are pitfalls that come with this placement, but it also offers an opportunity for growth and understanding.

Natives with Neptune in 11th house must be aware of its disadvantages and use their intuition to identify when they are being taken advantage of or slipping away from reality.

Outcomes for Relationships and Marriages

Having Neptune in 11th house can create a strong bond between two people, but it also carries the potential for misunderstandings and power struggles. This placement has a powerful influence on social life due to its focus on spiritual connections, idealistic partnerships, and community involvement.

It is important to be aware of how this affects relationships and marriages, as it can lead to challenging dynamics. Friendships may become stronger and more meaningful due to the heightened sensitivity that comes with this placement. On the other hand, if there are power imbalances they could cause issues.

For couples, Neptune’s presence can bring togetherness but also be a source of conflict as each person’s intuition is heightened further. It is essential to find balance when dealing with Neptune in 11th house so that relationships remain harmonious.

Outcomes for Business and Career

Those with this placement can excel in business or career pursuits. They may struggle, however, to set boundaries and prioritize personal needs.

Business success, career advancement, networking opportunities, and creative collaborations are all possible outcomes due to the visionary nature of Neptune in 11th house. High levels of creativity contribute to financial growth and an ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.

This placement allows for developing a strong network that leads to both professional advancement and personal satisfaction. The intuitive qualities associated with Neptune can provide insight into industry trends while allowing for key connections between like-minded individuals.

Neptune in 11th House Synastry

Regarding Neptune in 11th house synastry, those with harmonious aspects can have a supportive and caring circle. Challenging aspects, on the other hand, may lead to illusions or being taken advantage of. Compatibility analysis is essential for understanding how this placement affects relationships.

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Friendships can be significantly impacted by Neptune in 11th house, either in positive or negative ways. This has the potential to influence social activism, creative collaborations, and spiritual connections. Those with this placement are often interested in humanitarian efforts and enjoy working together toward common goals. They strive to make an impact on their community through their artistic creativity and inspirational ideas.

Neptune in 11th House Composite

When it comes to the composite 11th house, a harmonious Neptune placement can lead to creative collaborations and spiritual connections.

People with this combination will likely experience powerful social impacts, including inspiring artistic vision and deep spiritual friendships. They value loyalty and charm in relationships while striving for personal boundaries. This combination offers potential for growth but also carries the risk of being taken advantage of or losing touch with reality.

Benefits include:

  • Creative collaboration
  • Spiritual connection
  • Inspiring artistic vision
  • Deep spiritual friendships

Celebrities With Neptune in 11th House

  • Justin Timberlake – January 31, 1981; Neptune in 11th House in Libra
  • Brad Pitt – December 18, 1963; Neptune in 11th House in Capricorn
  • Ellen DeGeneres – January 26, 1958; Neptune in 11th House in Scorpio
  • Jennifer Aniston – February 11, 1969; Neptune in 11th House in Libra
  • Ryan Reynolds – October 23, 1976; Neptune in 11th House in Sagittarius
  • Angelina Jolie – June 4, 1975; Neptune in 11th House in Taurus
  • Nicole Kidman – June 20, 1967; Neptune in 11th House in Leo
  • Chris Pratt – June 21, 1979; Neptune in 11th House in Scorpio
  • Gwyneth Paltrow – September 27, 1972; Neptune in 11th House in Virgo


Overall, Neptune in 11th house can be a powerful and meaningful placement. Those in this position may have a unique ability to view the world through an artistic lens and use their intuitive vision to create positive change. They often feel a strong connection with others and strive for societal improvement.

Despite these gifts, it’s important for those with Neptune in 11th house to take care of themselves and set boundaries.

Interestingly, studies have shown that people with this placement are more likely to experience life-altering events than other astrological placements, proving that this combination is special.

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